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Why limit your events? With SimpleEvents, you can whip up as many events as your heart desires. From tiny tea parties to massive music festivals, we've got room for them all. Get creative and let the good times roll!


Let's face it; manual work is so last decade. With, you can automate your event processes within HubSpot and watch the magic happen. It's like having a personal assistant who never takes a coffee break. Efficiency, here we come!

Paid Events

Maximize your events with the power of HubSpot Payments! With our Workflow Action and integration with HubSpot Payments, you'll be able to streamline the event process and keep all your data in one location...HubSpot.

blog-post-maximizing your event

More than Features

We bring you the best event features to HubSpot. Stop dreaming and turn on the power of!

Email Confirmations and Reminders

Keep your brand front and center with our automated Confirmation and Reminder emails for each event. HubSpot event management just got even simpler. With a simple toggle of a button, you can generate and customize these emails using your HubSpot account. This is one of my many PRO features. 

Feature - Emails

QR Codes for all

Bring the power of QR codes into HubSpot! Design you're perfect email template and add in the SimpleEvents custom properties for QR Codes!

Yup, it's that simple.

Feature - QR Codes

Bring a Guest

Bring your guest! Be our guest! With our guest registration feature, you easily allow your attendees to register and know how many guests are coming!

Feature - Bring a Guest

Limit Registration

Control how many people can register and attend your event. Limited event registration works in both HubSpot Pages (Content Hub & Landing Pages) and any other platform, like WordPress.


Event Specific Lists

Marketing lists at your finger tips to allow you use your lists in other HubSpot features like, Ads, Surveys, etc... Build remarketing lists, check! Drop the No-Shows in a follow up workflow to win them back! You got it!

Feature - Marketing Lists

Clone Events

Run the same style of events from month to month or even quarterly? Our clone feature speeds up your marketing efforts by duplicating all your work and building your next event from the previous event! 

Feature - Cloning Events

Automation at your finger tips

Let's face it; manual work is so last decade. With, you can automate your event processes within HubSpot and watch the magic happen. It's like having a personal assistant who never takes a coffee break. Efficiency, here we come!

Feature - Workflows

Past events? No worry!

Remember that epic party from five years ago? Of course you do! With SimpleEvents, you can import old data and keep that contact re with those fabulous folks from the past. It's like a digital scrapbook for your events, keeping memories fresh and contacts closer.

Feature - Historical Importing

Event Management for HubSpot

Making your life easier with SimpleEvents & HubSpot for all your event management needs.

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