How to Batch Import Historical Event Data

The batch import feature in allows you to import historical event data for your contacts.

This is especially useful for users with Pro accounts who must record past events and attendees in SimpleEvents. In this guide, we will walk you through how to use the batch import tool to add contacts to historical events.


  • Access to a SimpleEvents Pro account.
  • A prepared list of contacts for import (e.g., a Google survey or dynamic list).

Step 1: Create a Historical Event

  1. Log in to and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Create a New Event:
    • Click on Create Event.
    • Name your event (e.g., "2022 Golf Tournament").
    • Set the event type (e.g., In-person).
    • Choose the event date and time, ensuring you select a past date (e.g., September 22, 2022).
    • Optionally, you can just input the event location (helpful if you want to clone this event for future use).
    • For historical events, you don't need to add forms or workflows.
    • Mark the event as private if you do not want it to appear on public calendars.
    • Mark the event as Completed so it is recorded as a past event.
    • Click Create Event.

Step 2: Access the Batch Import Tool

  1. Once your event is created, navigate to the Batch Import feature. This is a Pro feature available in SimpleEvents.
  2. Select the Contact List:
    • You can choose the contacts you want to import (e.g., a Registration list).
    • The list type will be indicated as dynamic or static.
      • Dynamic List: The list will be pulled once during import. Changes to the list later will not be reflected unless you perform another import.

Step 3: Configure the Batch Import

  1. Select Event Registration and Attendance Dates:
    • Choose when the contacts registered for the event (e.g., September 10, 2022).
    • Input the date and time they attended the event (e.g., September 22, 2022, at 6:50 AM).
  2. Start the Batch Import:
    • Once configured, click to start the import.
    • The batch import process will begin, and SimpleEvents will process the list.

Step 4: Monitor the Import Status

  1. Check the Status:
    • You will see the import status, which updates every 60 seconds. Depending on the list size, it may take 60 seconds to 2 minutes to complete.
    • SimpleEvents will break the import into smaller batch jobs for large lists to ensure smooth processing.
  2. Review the Imported Contacts:
    • Once the batch import is complete, navigate to the event's attendee list.
    • You should see all imported contacts listed as attendees with their registration and attendance dates correctly filled in.

Step 5: Verify Contact Details

  1. Check Contact Records:
    • You can go to any imported contact's record and verify the historical event details.
    • Information such as event registration and attendance dates should be displayed under the Marketing Events section of the contact's timeline.

Step 6: Additional Notes

  • You can re-import lists if you need to add more contacts later, and SimpleEvents ensures no duplicate contacts will be created.
  • Historical data will also be reflected in the contact's HubSpot card, making tracking their event history easier.


The batch import feature in is a powerful tool for importing historical event data. It allows you to record past attendee information seamlessly.

This guide covers the key steps, from creating a historical event to importing contacts and verifying their data.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to contact support.